In the last week the hotel has slowed down a lot. Although our multiple activities keep it busier than most hotels, we are no
longer at 100%. My general responsibilities have stayed the same: financials,
check-ins/outs, ensuring that maintenance and cleaning staff are getting things
done, maintaining relationships with on-site businesses, responding to emails,
marketing, and hanging out with guests. The benefit of things slowing down a
little bit is having more time to be creative. I have more time to write blogs
for the hotel, update our Facebook pages (which you should all have already “liked”
by now), plan our Jiu Jitsu Tournament in June and a women's only kite surfing clinic in April.
More time also means
I have the opportunity to do fam
tours. Fam tours or familiarization tours are a fantastic bonus for anyone who
works in the tourism/hospitality industry. I’d rather be paid less and have the
opportunity to do fam tours, than be paid generously and not do fam tours. Besides
the fact that they are super fun, they are of extreme value to your job. Once
you’ve done a zip line, rafting, snorkeling or atv tour, you know it through
and through and can effectively sell it to your customers. It’s like convincing
your friend to go to a restaurant that they’ve never been to. If you’ve eaten
there, you know exactly how to sell it and close the deal. The way I see it,
the better you know the tours, the better you can help plan a trip that meets
the needs and desires of your customers. Also, if you’re making commission off
of the tours you book, it’s to your benefit to know how to sell the right tours
for the right people so that they come back happy and trust you to book more. To
be credible as tour guide/agent, you need to stay informed and know the
It’s beneficial for tour companies to allow people in my
position to go on free tours because it gives them a competitive advantage over
other companies. Why would I promote tours for another company if I don’t know
who they are, what their tours are like and how they’ll treat my guest? By
building a relationship with complementary businesses, I know that I’ll get
good consistent service and I know my guests will to.
Moral of the story, get a job as a concierge or at a tourist
center. You meet people from all over the world, get to do fun FREE tourist
activities, and make travelers super happy. Don’t you want to be responsible for
making people trip unique and memorable?
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