On Wednesdays the team goes up to the farm to discuss plans to expand and grow new plants. Between cabins, more worm farms and fruit and vegetable planting, its clear that we'll need some
Wwoffers ! We hope that by the time the summer comes we'll have enough fruit and veggies to supply the hotels restaurant and other small cafes and shops. We'll also assign the responsibility to someone to sell at weekend markets and network to do weekly deliveries to the richer foreign locals.

Miracle Berries: Chew on them before putting something else in your mouth and everything will taste sweet :)
Honey wheel: This hand power spinning device allows us to remove the honey from the combs without damaging them. We insert the combs between the two square gates and start spinning the crank. Just like a salad spinner, the honey spins out and pools at the bottom of the barrel.
The farm is cut by a lovely fresh water river :) hummm soak and swim
I want to come Wwoof!! and help make honey :)